Gamified Learning
Learn math in an engaging and playful way!
ARchimedes offers gamified exercises that teach school maths and its connection to science and technology. You will have plenty of fun and learn about exciting and relevant topics.

Augmented- & virtual reality (AR/VR)
let you experience math like you've never seen it before!
Our platform has augmented and virtual reality exercises. This way, you won't just learn math, but experience it instead. This helps you gain a deep and intuitive understanding of even difficult concepts.
Choose YOUR learning STYLE
Learn math the way you
understand it best!
We have plenty of visual, acoustic, and interactive exercises. Whatever your preferred learning style is, you'll be sure to find something that fits you just right. Our content is also ordered the same as your textbook, so you never have to search.

ARchimedes has evolved enormously during their time in the “Creative Pre-Incubator”. It was great fun to support such an ambitious and motivated team. We wish the team all the best for their innovative project!
Ursula Steiner, BA
CPI Project Lead
Working with the Archimedes-Team always went perfectly smooth. As a teacher I find the idea brilliant. The app enabled the students to understand the link between two linear functions better. I really hope this project will be continued and extended with more exercises!
Mag. Denise Kerschl
Math professor HAK St.Pölten

You are...
...a student and want to try out the beta-version?
...a teacher looking to use ARchimedes in your classroom?
...interested in what we are doing and want to learn more?
Feel free to contact us!